Who pays the cost for carbon neutral?

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“We are required to open half an hour late in the morning, and close earlier if possible to reduce electricity consumption.” A shop manager in Wanda Plaza in the city of Xuzhou said on 18th,Sep. All the air conditioners in Taizhou government facilities have to keep closed since 19th,Sep, and elevators are set not to stop at low storey. More than 20 enterprises in Taizhou chemical industry areas are required to produce 24hours only in a week. Iron&Steel plants in the city of Nantong and Changzhou are shutting down as per government requires.

The Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement was agreed in 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference. The Paris Agreement’s long-term temperature goal is to keep the rise in mean global temperature to well below 2 °C (3.6 °F) above pre-industrial levels, and preferably limit the increase to 1.5 °C (2.7 °F), recognising that this would substantially reduce the impacts of climate change. Emissions should be reduced as soon as possible and reach net-zero by the middle of the 21st century.

China: Carbon Neutral by 2060

China aims to be carbon neutral by 2060, tightening its target to cut greenhouse-gases, and signaled higher spending on green technologies in the next five years, major pledge in the fight against climate change by the planet’s worst polluter.

President Xi Jinping, speaking during a virtual United Nations General Assembly in Sep of 2020, also reiterated his goal for emissions to peak before 2030 and urged all nations to work toward a greener economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Double-Limit started from Inner Mongolia

Chinese government set goals for every province to cut green-house gases. Inner Mongolia is the largest coal & electricity generation center in China,whereas letting out the largest quantity of Carbon dioxide .  In the early of 2021, the local government urged PVC manufacturers to reduce production by cutting off electricity, driving PVC SG-5 prices increasing from CNY 6800 per ton to CNY 10400 per ton. For more information about PVC prices, please refer to PVC price broke through CNY 10000 per ton.

Yangtze River Delta Area: How to complete the goal?

Statistics shows that Jiangsu province is still far away from its goal of green-house gases emission reduction. More than 20 enterprises in Taizhou chemical industry areas are required to produce 24hours only in a week. Iron&Steel plants in the city of Nantong and Changzhou are shutting down as per government requires. Electricity limiting notice has been sent to 80% big factories. So for PVC floor factories, PVC prices increasing is one thing, limited electricity is another. And this is just a start. What is really coming to us is not known yet. But we are assured that PVC products costs, including PVC floor, will be higher and higher before net-zero emission is reached by the middle of the 21st century.

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